Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Last revision: 28/0/2024

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the "Policy") has been prepared in order to explain, in a transparent manner, how and why BeDriver S.r.l. collects, stores, shares and uses personal data in compliance with the applicable principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency regarding the protection of personal data, as established by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 - the c. so-called "GDPR" - concerning the protection of personal data (hereinafter, the "Regulation") and introduced by Legislative Decree No. 101 of 10 Augu st 2018 in the "Personal Data Protection Code" (Legislative Decree No. 196 of 2003 as amended - hereinafter, the "Privacy Code").


1. Identity of the Data Controller
2. Personal data used
3. Methods and purposes of data processing
4. Data recipients
5. Use of cookies on the site
6. Data retention
7. Rights of Data Subjects 
8. Integration of this Policy
9. Contact

2. Personal data used 

This Policy applies to the processing of so-called "personal data" relating to users of this website, members of the BeDriver Official Club and/or newsroom, our current and potential customers and business partners (e.g., Workshop customers, sponsors, drivers and students), suppliers and external collaborators (e.g., sponsors, instructors and examiners), as well as those relating to potential candidates for our job offers (hereinafter the "Data Subject(s)").   

Such personal data may be collected by the Controller, including through third parties, during **business relationships** the use of the website, blog, social platforms and other channels available for interacting with BeDriver online and/or during other in-person interactions. Specifically, data may be collected and processed by the Controller when registering with our newsroom and/or BeDriver Official Club, filling in the contact form, sending e-mails to the addresses indicated in the appropriate sections of the website, sending applications for a job offer, as well as on the occasion of other interactions with BeDriver, for example during events or in-person visits to our Workshop, offices and/or facilities. 

The various categories of personal data that we may collect and process, either independently or through third parties, are listed below.

Website users

Personal and/or contact data provided by Interested Parties on a voluntary basis (via the contact form).


  • Contact information: full name, date of birth (optional) gender (optional), location (optional), user name and picture (optional), company, email address, telephone number and/or other contact information 
  • information provided by the Interested Parties themselves during the registration process to the newsroom and/or the BeDriver Official Club, or by sending e-mails to the addresses indicated in the appropriate sections of the website, as well as when filling in our contact form and including any data included in an attachment (e.g. for a presentation/possible collaboration/spontaneous application)
  • the date and time of sending, receiving and opening such communications 
  • your preferences regarding possible informative and advertising communications and your preferences for being contacted

Browsing data (collected automatically or via third parties)


  • the IP address or domain name 
  • addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation
  • the user name, e-mail address or unique identifier
  • the country of origin and language preferences 
  • the characteristics of the device, browser, operating system, network connection and/or computer environment used to browse the site (screen size)
  • information relating to the route followed within the site including the search terms you use
  • details of the interactions between the server and the user of the site and other system logs
  • information provided by the Users themselves during the registration, access and/or purchase process on the eShop, such as interactions on the eShop, the shops visited, the reviews and evaluations of the products eventually shared, the privacy settings of the browser/device.
  • N.B. See more details on user data collected through cookies in the relevant section 5 of this Policy
Customers, pilots, and students (current and potential)

Category Personal and/or contact data.


Personal and professional contact information (such as name, surname, address, province (if in Italy), postal code, city, country of residence, organization/company, email address, telephone number, driver's license, and other information related to driving skills, date and place of birth, tax code) any information provided by the Data Subjects themselves through the submission of communications to BeDriver (e.g., via email, fax, phone call, request for a quote/information, letter by post, etc.) preferences regarding possible informational and advertising communications and preferences for being contacted.

Category Quotations/purchased services information and financial details.


Details regarding quotation requests, the history of products/services purchased and/or in the process of being purchased from BeDriver, and interactions with customer service. All data necessary for billing (e.g., last name, first name, address, tax code) and other banking information for managing the commercial relationship (e.g., transaction and payment information, bank account information, income).

Category Information related to the use of BeDriver's blog and/or social media platforms.


The username and other online identifiers used on BeDriver's blog and/or on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube©, and other social network platforms of BeDriver. The date and time of comments or other publications on BeDriver's blog and/or social network platforms. Any other personal information communicated or made public by the Data Subjects themselves during the use of the blog, social network platforms, or other channels available to interact with BeDriver, including through third parties.





Suppliers and consultants (current and potential)

Category Personal and/or professional contact data.


Personal and professional contact information (such as name, surname, address, province (if in Italy), postal code, city, country of residence, position, organization/company, email address, telephone number, CV or documents related to career history, education, work experience, and qualifications, driver's license, and other information related to driving skills). Any information provided by the Data Subjects themselves through the submission of communications to BeDriver (e.g., via email, fax, phone call, request for a quote/information, letter by post, etc.). Preferences regarding possible informational and advertising communications and preferences for being contacted. Where applicable: documentation related to the organization of business trips (e.g., name, contact details, passport, and visa).

Category Financial information.


Financial information related to services provided, history of purchased and/or in-process services. Other banking information for managing the commercial relationship (e.g., transaction and payment information, bank account information, balance sheets, income). Any other personal information communicated during the completion of Request for Information/Proposal (RFI/RFP) sent to our suppliers (e.g., contact details, title, information on professional experience, etc.).


Category Information related to the submission of job applications.


Personal data (e.g., name, date of birth/age), and contact details (address, phone, email, country). Details regarding professional experience (past and/or current), skills, and personal motivations of the candidate (e.g., work history, education, salary level, contractual information, references, contact details, and feedback from the last employer, any additional information included in the candidate's cover letter, previous criminal records, if required by law). Other information contained in the curriculum vitae (CV) and/or provided by the candidate at the time of application submission (spontaneous or not) via email or through the completion of the appropriate contact form or on social platforms or third-party portals, as well as during the candidate evaluation, selection, and job offer stages (e.g., salary and contractual conditions information, contacts of the last employer). Note: We encourage all candidates not to include irrelevant data in their CVs related to the job offer.

All the personal data listed above could be collected directly by BeDriver or otherwise received from the Data Subjects who freely provide their personal data during interactions with us or, in the case of browsing data, automatically collected during the use of this website.

Such data may be recorded, displayed, structured, modified, used, communicated by transmission, stored, or otherwise processed by BeDriver, and/or any third-party providers legitimately acting under its authority, until their scheduled anonymization and/or destruction.

Data subjects may also provide us with the personal data of someone else (e.g., if the person using the purchased service is different from the purchaser). In such cases, we ask the discloser to inform the individuals that their personal data is being processed by us and to provide them with our contact details if they have questions about how we use their data necessary for the provision of our services. Furthermore, Data Subjects assume full responsibility for the data of third parties communicated to us and guarantee that they have the right to communicate or disclose them, releasing BeDriver from any liability to third parties.

  1. Methods and Purposes of Data Processing

During the use of our website, e-shop, blog, and social platforms, and on occasions of other interactions with BeDriver and its collaborators, we use various technologies for the processing of personal data of the data subjects, which are collected for different purposes.

BeDriver is always committed to processing personal data in compliance with the obligations established by the Regulation and the Privacy Code (see art. 5 of the Regulation and art. 2-ter of the Privacy Code). In particular, we ensure that data subjects fully respect the principles of purpose limitation, according to which personal data should be collected only for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and subsequently processed in a way that is not incompatible with those purposes. Furthermore, we also consider the principle of lawfulness of processing, which requires that any processing of personal data must be based on a legal basis. The legal basis corresponds to the reason why we use the data, that is, what legally authorizes us to process the data.

The following table shows the purposes for which we collect and process personal data, as well as the legal bases we refer to for legitimate processing.



Purposes of processing

Personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring the functioning and maintenance of this site
  • Allowing site pages to display correctly and/or load faster
  • Monitoring traffic and analyzing user behavior to optimize the site based on pseudonymized data that does not directly identify the Data Subjects Ensuring that systems and processes function properly and securely to prevent fraud and bugs
  • Enabling the display of content from external platforms
  • To comply with legal obligations For defense against abuse in the use of this site, the blog, the e-shop, as well as social platforms used by BeDriver


Legal basis

Such processing is necessary to ensure the display and functioning of our site (through the use of so-called technical cookies*), and the consent of the Data Subject is not required in accordance with applicable law (see Art. 122, paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code).

The processing is also necessary for the pursuit of the Controller's legitimate interests (Art. 6, para. 1, letter f of the Regulation) (e.g., for the proper functioning and improvement of this website, for administrative management and litigation, for possible defense in legal proceedings, for the protection and security of the company's assets, strategic business interests, and related commercial relationships).

*See more details on user data collected through cookies in the relevant section 5 of this Policy.



Purposes of processing

  • Providing the requested service and/or responding to inquiries received from users through our contact form (e.g., requests for information, quotes, or any other nature indicated by the form header)
  • Monitoring traffic and analyzing user behavior through the use of third-party cookies* to create profiles aimed at analyzing and improving our service offerings and conducting statistical analyses related to the use of the website, blog, as well as social platforms used by BeDriver based on pseudonymized data that does not directly identify the Data Subjects
  • Using the contact data voluntarily provided by Data Subjects to send them promotional communications, updates, and exclusive content related to BeDriver's services, as well as other information about courses, invitations to events, and other initiatives

Legal basis

The processing is based solely on the specific consent of the Data Subject expressed during the setting of cookies (for the use of so-called profiling cookies) and/or the completion and submission of the request via our contact form (see Art. 6, para. 1, letter a of the Regulation).

N.B. Giving consent is entirely optional: failure to give consent, however, may prevent us from responding to received requests or sending requested material and event invitations.

Customers, sponsors, pilots, and students (current and potential)


Purposes of processing

  • Ensuring the provision of services subject to the service contract between the Data Subject and BeDriver and managing its execution
  • Managing orders and quotations, and ensuring the accuracy of payments and financial records
  • Collecting data voluntarily provided by Data Subjects and creating Data Subject profiles to send informational communications such as, but not limited to, review reminders, recall memos, deadlines, appointments, tire storage notices, using any means including, but not limited to, email, SMS, messaging system, postal cards Entering data (such as full name and relevant contact information) into the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to improve interactions with Data Subjects, facilitate communication, and provide personalized assistance
  • Conducting statistical analyses or other activities based on aggregated data to improve the experience with Data Subjects, our services, and our offerings
  • Keeping contact information accurate and up to date
  • Using email addresses collected in the context of the commercial relationship with BeDriver to send direct marketing communications regarding our products or services similar to those previously purchased or shown interest in by the Data Subjects Storing mandatory documents issued and required by law, both manually and through our management systems, for possible defense in legal proceedings following a dispute between the Data Subject and BeDriver
  • Contacting Data Subjects and sending promotional communications, our newsroom, and other information about courses, as well as invitations to events and other initiatives, including via email Assessing the level of satisfaction with the services offered by BeDriver, including through the sending of market surveys, polls, and interviews via email

Legal basis

The processing is necessary for the drafting and execution of a contract with BeDriver and/or the execution of pre-contractual measures (Art. 6, para. 1, letter b, GDPR) or because it is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject (e.g., accounting obligations, fraud prevention, and reporting) (Art. 6, para. 1, letter c, GDPR). This processing may also be necessary for the pursuit of the Controller's legitimate interests (Art. 6, para. 1, letter f of the Regulation) (e.g., for administrative management and litigation, for possible defense in legal proceedings, for the protection and security of corporate assets, strategic business interests, and related business relationships).

N.B. Data Subjects have the right to object to the processing of their data based on BeDriver's legitimate interest at any time (e.g., the sending of direct marketing communications). They can exercise this right using the unsubscribe link provided in our communications or by contacting us through the information provided in section 9 of this Policy.

The processing is based on the consent of the Data Subjects (ex Art. 6, para. 1, letter a of the Regulation).

N.B. Giving consent is entirely optional: failure to give consent will have no other consequences than the inability for BeDriver to contact the Data Subjects for the purposes specified here.

Purposes of processing

  • Managing orders and ensuring the accuracy of payments and financial records
  • Processing and managing payments and shipments
  • Storing mandatory documents issued and required by law, both manually and through our management systems, for possible defense in legal proceedings following a dispute between the Data Subject and BeDriver

Our eShop is hosted on Shopify Inc. Shopify provides us with the eCommerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to users. The data of our eShop users are also stored on Shopify's secure and protected servers. Shopify collects, uses, and processes users' personal data, including payment information, in accordance with their privacy policies accessible at the following link: Shopify Privacy Policy. Users can control and update their data processing preferences at any time on Shopify's privacy control page, available at: Shopify Privacy Control.

Legal basis

The processing is necessary for the drafting and execution of a contract with BeDriver and/or the execution of pre-contractual measures (Art. 6, para. 1, letter b, GDPR) or because it is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject (e.g., accounting obligations, fraud prevention, and reporting) (Art. 6, para. 1, letter c, GDPR).

The processing is based on the consent of the Data Subjects (ex Art. 6, para. 1, letter a of the Regulation).

Members of the BeDriver Official Club and/or the newsroom

Purposes of processing

  • Personal data may be processed for the following purposes:
  • Collecting personal data necessary for membership in the BeDriver Official Club and creating the user profile (full name, username, and contact details), and managing the registration process
  • Analyzing the preferences and behavior of BeDriver Official Club members and creating interest groups to offer targeted content, event invitations, offers, and services based on the information collected, as well as conducting surveys, contests, or other activities to improve the experience for BeDriver Official Club members, our services, and our offerings
  • Using the contact details voluntarily provided by Data Subjects to send them promotional communications, our newsroom, updates, and exclusive content related to the BeDriver Official Club, as well as information about courses, and invitations to events and other initiatives

Legal basis

The processing is based solely on the specific consent of the Data Subject given during registration to our newsroom and/or the BeDriver Official Club (ex Art. 6, para. 1, letter a of the Regulation).

N.B. Giving consent is entirely optional: failure to give consent will have no other consequences than the inability for BeDriver to contact the Data Subjects for the purposes specified here.

Purposes of processing

Contacting Data Subjects and sending them promotional communications, our newsroom, information about courses, and invitations to events and other initiatives, including via email Understanding the level of satisfaction with BeDriver's services, including through the use of email market surveys, polls, and interviews

Legal basis

The processing is based on the consent of the Data Subjects (ex Art. 6, para. 1, letter a of the Regulation).

N.B. Giving consent is entirely optional: failure to give consent will have no other consequences than the inability for BeDriver to contact the Data Subjects for the purposes specified here.





Suppliers and consultants (current and potential)